CENA Program

Funding for the Community Expansion of Nutrition Assistance ( CENA) Program was made available through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce’s.  The purpose of this program is to increase the number of meals served to individuals at senior centers and community centers. The program also allows for expansion of other needed services provided to senior centers for residents of Oklahoma.

The CENA program is completely state funded, and designed to assist Multi-Purpose Senior Centers in the LTCA of Enid AAA region by providing life-enriching services to older adults. To be eligible for the CENA grant program senior centers must have by-laws in place, a governing board, hold regular board meetings, and not receive funding under Title III of the Older Americans Act. CENA funds may be used for food, utilities, supplies, equipment, or building insurance.

No portion of the CENA funds may be used for any political activity or to further the election or defeat of any candidate for public office or for lobbying activities.